- Put you, the client first,
- Tell you the truth,
- Treat you with the utmost respect,
- Give you our very best,
- Return your phone calls or emails in a prompt manner,
- Let you choose your entertainer,
- Answer any questions you may have,
- Entertain your guests to the best of our ability,
- Tailor your event to you,
- Give you a fair price,
- Be on time and ready to go,
- Dress appropriately for your event,
...And we will always, smile and have a good time!
Make excuses,
Use foul language,
Drink alcohol or smoke,
Try and pick up/hit on your guests,
Add extra hidden charges,
Over-book our available dates,
Sell your reception to a sub-contractor,
Play music that; has foul language, is overtly sexual, promotes violence, encourages substance abuse or is demeaning to anyone,
Eat all your food,
...And we will never, show up with a bad attitude!!